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how to create a youtube intro video in canva

Canva Tutorial: How to make a YouTube intro video in Canva

In this post I am going to show you how to make a YouTube intro video in Canva, its much simpler than you may think.

Jump straight to the video….

If you are familiar with my site you will know i am a huge fan of creating content for YouTube. Whilst it is definitely a channel that challenges your biggest fears, it is also hugely rewarding.

YouTube will continually promote your videos if they are good enough – treating your content like digital real estate in the same way a blog does, without having to pay to play, like other platforms.

Compared to a blog, YouTube puts your content in front of people fast and adapts to how we consume content modern day.

After Netflix, YouTube is also the second most-preferred platform for viewing videos on TV screens among 18-34-year-olds.

Source: SproutSocial

Each day more people are creating YouTube channels and taking the plunge into the world of video. Whether its for fun or like me, as part of a passive income strategy.

youtube logo on stand

How To Start a YouTube Channel

Maybe you also want to create a channel of your own?

If not, why not?

There is a little corner of YouTube available for absolutely everyone.

I know you may have some fears that block you, but really try and push past these. Maybe these posts could help you take your next steps:

10 Amazing YouTube Channel Ideas Without Showing Your Face in 2020

How To Get Started With YouTube [2019 Beginners Guide]

Get Over Your Fear of Starting a YouTube Channel [Shy or Introvert]

why i love canva for design work

What is a YouTube Intro Video?

The beauty of YouTube is there doesn’t have to be only one way of achieving anything – there are many paths to success.

But if you model what works, you will notice many YouTube channels use an intro video and a certain structure to their video:

  1. Video starts with the person telling you what they are going to tell you! A hook to get your interest i.e “I’m Jon Davis and in this video I am going to show you how badgers make the greatest Ninjas….”
  2. Intro Video plays
  3. Meat & Bones of your content
  4. Recap
  5. CTA

There is now written YouTube law of how you should proceed but this is a familiar structure.

Some people use intro videos and some don’t.

graphic design tools on a desk

Why use a YouTube Intro Video?

There are various reasons people would use an intro video on their channel.

  1. Brand awareness – to get your name and your message out straight away and start building that know, like and trust factor
  2. Wake the viewer up – the first 30 seconds is key to viewer retention, use music and an intro to grab their attention
  3. CTA – A call to action, you tell them what your channel ethos is and why they should subscribe

Plus many more reasons…whats yours?

How do I create a YouTube Intro Video?

First of all, there are tonnes of ways of doing this. You can literally just talk to the camera, you can use an abundance of video editors, heck, you can even just pay someone to create an intro.

This post isn’t a deep dive as to all of the ways of achieving this.

I am documenting this as I have just started working extensively on Canva tutorials and surprisingly, Canva is a great tool for creating simple YouTube intro videos.

anyone can get started with youtube

Canva is a superb tool (on free and paid versions) that i use daily to create content for various social media channels, if you are interested in why I think everyone should upgrade to the Canva Pro then check out this post:

Is Canva Pro Worth It? [12 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade]

Not many people realise that Canva also has video capabilities and a few neat tricks to help produce effective YouTube intro videos and animations.

So, if your ready to learn how to create a YouTube intro video in Canva then sit back and watch this short Canva tutorial.

Once your done, let me know what you think?

Is there anything else you would like to learn in Canva? If so let me know and i will add it to my Canva tutorial “To do” list.

P.S If you want to trial Canva Pro for 30 days and test out some of the Pro features, then you sign up for the trial here.

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