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what is a lead generation funnel

What is a Lead Generation Funnel? [Get 106+ EPIC Templates]

To run a successful business you need leads, leads that you can turn into customers, and then in turn try and make them repeat customers.

This principle applies to almost any business type or online venture.

Your business could be a car dealership or a personal blog. The same principle applies.

If you are a blogger then think about how you monetize that blog? Affiliate marketing, info products?

How do you get people to click on your affiliate links? People that trust you and recognise you or your brand.

You could start with a Lead Generation Funnel.

What is the purpose of a Lead Generation Funnel?

The point of a lead generation funnel is to facilitate the journey of your buyer – the process of turning traffic to an interested lead.

You may have already grabbed their attention by getting them to this page – through your online content, social media, word of mouth, advertising and so on.

Now is the time to hook them in, provoke their pain points and offer them something they REALLY want.

We want to help that person, whether they are a cold or warm lead, develop their interest in what we offer and take the next step and give us their precious details – become a qualified lead.

It is a conversion process.

lead generation funnel

Once we have the prospects email address or contact details we can start building that trust factor. Nurture them via email sequences where we can introduce ourselves and our business, point them at your latest blog post or video.

The old saying that a typical customer needs 7 touch points before they buy off you – not always the case – but people are getting more savvy with their purchasing decisions and need that reassurance that you and your products are legit.

Let’s say 1 in every 100 people that visit your traditional homepage add their email address – using that little “Subscribe to my newsletter” section on the right.

How can we increase lead generation rates?

How do we convert 10, 20, 50 of these 100 people into leads?

One solution is a Lead Generation Funnel, but what is it?

In simple terms this can be a lead page, which is also otherwise known as:

  • A landing page
  • A squeeze page
  • An optin page

It is a page that has been created to cause the least confusion to the prospect and guide them into taking action – usually by submitting their email address.

But why should they give you their email address?

Put yourself in their shoes, who really wants more emails, our personal email accounts are full to the brim with email!

Give them value.

Let them have something they really want.

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customer pain points

To do this, you need to understand what your business offers and your target audience.

What are their pain points?

When they wake up in the morning what is the one thing that they think of straight away, that affects them or their business.

Hit them with value that can ease that pain – it doesn’t have to be the full solution, but give them something juicy.

Otherwise known as a Lead Magnet – an essential part of a high converting lead generation funnel

Now the lead magnet could be anything, here are some lead magnet ideas:

  • Ebook
  • Mini course
  • Video series
  • Physical product: Mug or T-Shirt
  • Cheat Sheet
  • Checklist
  • Resource List
  • Planner
  • Chrome Extension
  • Printable
  • Spreadsheet
  • and so on….

It really all depends on your audience and what would help them.

Lead Generation Funnel Vs Website

Why do I need a funnel when I have a website already?

Good question. You have probably poured blood, sweat, tears and money into that webpage and i am not saying its not needed as a good website can serve a purpose.

But ask whether it is there for informational purposes or lead generation purposes?

If I went to your website now would I come away subscribed to your business.

This is where a Lead Generation Funnel can supplement your digital marketing strategy perfectly.

It can work alongside your website as a gateway that you send interested prospects to – again this could be from social media posts, SEO traffic, Paid Ads.

Basically wherever you have points of contact with your audience.

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Do Lead Generation funnels work for Affiliate Marketing?

In other words is this just for promoting your own products or can you promote other peoples products too?


Affiliate Marketing is my main passion. Its such a great way to monetize your platforms and help people with their problems.

Many affiliates link directly out to the vendor from their content, and although they may get the commission they have no details of that buyer.

For high ticket affiliate products I like to use funnels – especially lead generation funnels.

I am a relative newbie to affiliate marketing and i hadn’t heard of funnels at all until a few months ago, but it was one of the biggest takeaways i took from a great affiliate marketing course I signed up for.

When I create content I can send the interested audience to a lead page (this could be content on YouTube, Blog posts, Facebook).

At the time of writing, I promote a course I am a member of myself, Top Earner Transformation (Zach Crawford), created by Zach Crawford.

zach crawford clickfunnels affiliate course

As part of that course Zach holds a webinar where he goes into the 3 Step Strategy to be a successful affiliate. He is giving away a free training session crammed full of value.

It gives anyone new to Affiliate Marketing a great background and understanding of what is required – from someone extremely successful.

So this is an example of one of the lead generation funnels I use.


Create content (YouTube, Facebook, Blog) and link to a Lead Generation Funnel that I have (I use Clickfunnels to host mine) where you can sign up for the free training from Zach (This is the Lead Magnet), and when you submit your email you go into my mailing list.


Next you will see a little thank you page from me, and a button that takes you to Zachs webinar.


I now have your email address, I know that you are interested in Affiliate Marketing, and i can use email to nurture our relationship (did that sound weird hahaha).

I can:

  • Email you anything new I learn that could help you too
  • Tell you more about my own journey
  • Promote videos
  • Pass on discounts or offers
  • Build trust and support you with your own venture
  • and so on….

It benefits everyone as the prospect gets something of value and you get a potential lead – I am sure there are better explanations but I wanted to give you a walk through of how lead generation funnels for affiliate marketing can work.


How do I create a Lead Generation Funnel?

Firstly you need to understand your audience and ideal customer. Craft your lead magnet and sales copy to their needs and pain points.

The pages themselves, I personally create in clickfunnels. It is very easy to use, a drag and drop page builder that can quickly

But you can use any Page Builder including WordPress.

I also like to keep these pages fairly minimal and usually they consist of a lead page and then a thankyou page.

On the thankyou page I may add a video of myself to again make people realize its a relatively normal person that they are dealing with.

The thankyou page can have a download for the lead magnet or you can send that via the email sequence (which are easily integrated with clickfunnels).

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What if you want to build a Lead Generation funnel fast?

Templates are the answer.

I can only vouch for Clickfunnels as that’s the only funnel builder I use, however, there are a host of Lead Generation Funnel Templates already present and ready to be used.

One click and you import the Lead Generation Funnel template and then tweak it for your own copy, logo, photos. Very easy to setup.

If you want tonnes more options then Russell Brunson, the owner of Clickfunels, upsells a library of perfect Lead Generation Funnel Templates when you buy his $7 book – Lead Funnel Swipe Copy.

Just tick the box on the order page for the upsell – very good value.

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Learn more about Lead Generation Funnels

I hope that gives you an understanding of how these lead funnels work and how they can benefit your business.

The job is to take that traffic and turn them into a lead – progressing them to the next leg of your buyers journey.

Despite spending several years learning about affiliate marketing it was only a few month ago that I really started to learn and understand Lead Generation Funnels and how effective they can be to increase optin rates and conversion targets.

Most of this I got from the Top Earner Transformation Course that I purchased but there is another way.

If you aren’t interested in affiliate marketing but you do want to know from the experts:

Russell Brunson: Lead Funnels Swipe Copy Book
The history of Lead Generation Funnels
Exactly what Lead Generation Funnels are
What makes a great Lead Generation Funnel
How to build a Lead Generation Funnel
How to create Perfect Lead Magnets
Where to find over 100+ examples of amazing lead Generation Funnels

leadfunnels swipe book russell brunson Then I would highly recommend purchasing Lead Funnels Swipe Copy by Russell Brunson.

If you want all those sweet Lead Generation Funnel Templates then choose the upsell but if your not a clickfunnels user (and don’t intend to be) then the book is excellent value at $7.

It is an instantly available ebook that tells you exactly how to use Lead Generation Funnels to increase optin rates and customer numbers.

Its a no brainer really.

If theres anything else I can help with then drop a comment below

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READ MORE: All You Need To Know About ClickFunnels Lead Funnel Swipe Book

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