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clickfunnels lead funnels swipe file book

Clickfunnels Lead Funnels Swipe File Book by Russell Brunson

ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Book
A lead funnel is the perfect way to bring people into your business and get their focus on your products and services. Whether you're a blogger, affiliate, or selling your own products, they apply perfectly to any business. This ClickFunnels Lead Funnel Swipe File (Book) is the perfect guide to building your own.

Russell Brunson is the creator of Clickfunnels, an entrepreneurial powerhouse who is trying to steer the runaway Clickfunnels ship.

In 3 years he has taken Clickfunnels from ZERO to over $100 million in revenue.

He has created a cult like following of raving fans and happy subscribers to his software and training packages.

In his recent creation, he has accredited a lot of this success to the power of using Lead Funnels.

Which is why he wrote the Clickfunnels Lead Funnels Swipe File Book – to provide the ultimate lead generation guide that can benefit ANY business.

In this article I want to explain what a Lead Funnel is to me – a digital marketing newbie – and how lead funnels can help increase customer numbers and profits in your business.

Keep reading and I will tell you why anyone who has an online presence should be purchasing Russell’s new book today.

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What is a Lead Funnel?

Let me preface this…I am not a marketing graduate or whizzkid. I am a family man that stumbled into affiliate marketing as a side hustle to create an additional income stream.

After spending time implementing, failing, implementing and failing again….i finally found my path with some amazing training from Russell Brunson and one of my mentors, Zach Crawford.

A lead funnel to me is a series of components that when used together provide the ultimate tool to turn traffic to your site into customers and subscribers.

It is a way of enticing those visitors in and obtaining their email address in exchange for something of value.

This is more than a “Subscribe to my Newsletter” form.

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A lead funnel is set to maximise conversions and increase that valuable optin rate.

It also prequalifies those optins. We already understand what value they are looking for and what pain points they may have – as they just gave us their email address for that information.

You can use this knowledge to push your message on the follow up email marketing.

What are the components of a Lead Funnel?

Russell will tell you better than me, so i would highly recommend you go grab the Clickfunnels Lead Funnels Swipe File book – it costs a mere $7.

A book that can help push your business on a notch or a big mac and fries. You choose!

In my view a Lead Funnel consists of several components.

  • A lead magnet
  • A landing page
  • A capture form – grab their email address as a minimum
  • A thankyou page

It can also include extras such as…

  • An upsell or One Time Offer (OTO)
  • A Video (Video Sales Letter)
  • A link to an affiliate product

A Lead Funnel can be as simple or as complex as you like. A lot depends on what your promoting and what you would like your audience to do?

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If your a geek like me and love to learn what others are doing – visit the blogs of your biggest influencers.

Do they push you towards a free course, cheatsheet, guide or ebook?

Once you submit your email and take the freebie what happens?

Some Lead Funnels will then try and upsell you the premium version of the training they just sent you…. with the obvious scarcity techniques and heavy discounts.

It is a really effective marketing strategy that can be applied across many industries, products and services.

clickfunnels lead funnels swipe book

Whether you are a blogger looking to expand your mailing list or a small business owner looking for proven leads that are ready to spend and become customers.

The Clickfunnels Lead Funnels Swipe File Book is an extremely cheap offering that gives you roughly 40 pages of EXACTLY what a Lead Funnel is and how to create lead funnels and magnets.

On top of that there are another 130 pages where Russell analyses and breaks down 106 proven Lead Funnels.

He runs a quick case study on each one so you can draw inspiration and truly understand how this marketing technique can help you sell your products or someone elses.

Collectively these Lead Funnels will have created hundreds of millions in revenue for their owners.

Russell Brunson analyses each of these funnels and shows you the powerful copywriting techniques used for successful lead generation.

  • ​Curiosity
  • ​Desire
  • ​Persuasion
  • FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
  • Open Loops
  • Specificity
  • Simplicity
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How to create a Lead Magnet

leadfunnels swipe book russell brunson So now i have said all that I know what you may be thinking, i don’t know how to create lead magnets?

Don’t worry.

It is covered in the book. How to draw inspiration, design, or purchase lead magnets if necessary.

One of my favorite techniques is the crowdfunding technique.

The same way I have told my wife to increase her blog subscribers.

Go to where your peers are, so if your a physical trainer, I bet your in some Facebook groups with other PT’s right?

Ask them the question….

“What is your number 1 tip for losing weight and building muscle?”

You are going to get a series of answers based on the experiences of very different people. All qualified to answer in their own way.

Copy and paste those answers into a file, save it as a PDF now you’ve got the perfect giveaway for your potential clients….

“99 Proven Techniques to Lose Weight & Gain Muscle – From the Fitness Experts”

(Better Copywriting is available!)

You don’t have to be an expert. You don’t have to spend a month creating your own course.

There are ways that anyone can create a lead magnet for their audience to drive up those optin rates and take the next step towards becoming a customer.

What software do I need to create a Lead Funnel?

So Russell obviously wants you to use his software Clickfunnels. Which is why he’s giving you so much value for a mere $7.

Fair enough.

I actually agree with him too.

I am a Clickfunnels subscriber. I pay my monthly fees and use it create landing pages, bridge pages, promotions for my own business and also affiliate products that i promote.

It is extremely easy to use and very fast to create a Sales Funnel (or Lead Funnel).

If you have never used it before then take the free 14 day trial and see how easy it is to use.

Check out this video where I walk through how to create a lead funnel in minutes – and also show how there is a tonne of training and guides within Clickfunnels itself.

It’s 14 days so give it a try, if it isn’t for you just cancel it – nothing lost.

Want to Watch How to Create Lead Funnels Fast Using Clickfunnels?

Do I have to use Clickfunnels to create a Lead Funnel?

No, not at all.

Whilst I would recommend it for ease and speed. The fact that it has loads of prebuilt templates as well as integration with tonnes of 3rd party apps such as email marketing systems.

You can use other landing page builders, paid or free, such as WordPress.

Is it easy to create Lead Funnels in WordPress?

It can be done. Depending on your WordPress theme it may vary on how difficult it is.

If you are using a Page Builder like Elementor Pro then its probably easiest, or maybe even Thrive themes as that was designed to be conversion focused.

Or test out GrooveFunnels which is the latest funnel builder on the market and you can get for free.

READ MORE: GrooveFunnels Vs ClickFunnels (Which is BEST for you)

So yes, it is definitely possible, but may not be quite as intuitive.

Compare them yourself, give Clickfunnels a try and then try and replicate on your website – let me know how you get on?

Is Clickfunnels Lead Funnels Swipe File Book worth buying?

My second income stream is based around Digital Marketing – for me, it was well worth the $7, it is great that so much detail has gone into breaking down what actually WORKS.

The marketing and persuasion and copy principles inside this book work across ALL industries.

It isn’t unique to Clickfunnels and the principles can be applied regardless of your choice of Landing Page builder.

If you are a Clickfunnels subscriber or want to become one then you may be interested in the upsell too.

Russell basically offers 30 shared funnels for $37.

A shared funnel is basically a premade template. A ready-made funnel that just needs tweaking and personalising to your business.

You click on it and it imports into your Clickfunnels account. Voila!

They are a great shortcut and save you the time of configuring yourself.

clickfunnels optin templates lead funnels

Clickfunnels comes with lots of templates anyway – but these are a great addition too. Pick one and model your Lead Funnel on that template.

I am a huge fan of shared funnels. Imagine what the costs are if you hire someone to design you a website or landing page?

Although Clickfunnels is simple to use, and mainly a drag and drop page builder, you would still have to pay decent money for someone to do this for you.

So to get 30 Lead Funnels premade for $37 is a pretty good deal.

If your not a Clickfunnels user and don’t intend to be, then the book is still of value just don’t choose the upsell.

If like me your picking up tips and learning every day how you can maximize your business and increase customers, then why not learn a little more about Lead Funnels……….

If you wish to grab your copy of Clickfunnels Lead Funnels Swipe File Book then hit the button below and let me know what you think of it.

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