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16 top tips for new bloggers

16 Top Tips For New Bloggers (from REAL Bloggers)

Back in High School I was an extremely average English student, yet that didn’t stop me pursuing English Lit & Language at a higher education level.

Where I promptly fell flat on my face and failed miserably.

You see, I didn’t have any interest whatsoever in metaphysical poetry or analyzing classic books.

My grammar was (is) poor and my punctuation STINKS.

My only real interest was that I liked to use my imagination and create little far fetched tales.

Fast forward many years and I now find myself writing frequently:

➡️ Blog Posts
➡️ Email Campaigns
➡️ Sales Copy
➡️ YouTube Scripts

Why Did I Start Blogging?

As an introvert I enjoy isolation with only my thoughts.

I am sat here writing this blog post, TV switched off, 11pm, the family are all asleep and it’s just me, and the laptop…..oh and my cat!

Whilst my abilities as a writer are not…errr…good enough to write home about….

It doesn’t matter.

I don’t care.

The grammar police have no jurisdiction here.

Instead I write because I want too. It’s part of building my business, especially when it comes to my blogging.

My blogs are platforms that I can express myself through written content, with the intention of helping others. Maybe even you?

That is what this post is about and why I have imaginatively titled “Top Tips for New Bloggers” (Genius eh).

I am just the mouthpiece here. Behind the blogging tips I am about to present to you, is untold hours of hard work.

Self doubt, failure, frustration and tears…..

As well as glory, satisfaction, success and reward.

new blogger on laptop

This post has been written for me by an army of experienced bloggers. These people have been in the trenches and experienced the highs and lows, and that’s why they are the best people to listen to if your looking to get started with blogging.

This post originates with a simple question to the good people of “Blogging for New Bloggers” Facebook Group, run by the incredible Lucrezia & Marina.

The question was:

👉 What is ONE tip you would give to any new blogger?

So brace yourself, real talk inbound. Here are the responses and…..

16 Top Tips For New Bloggers

1. “Be Yourself” [Jon Davis]

Starting with my own tip, and I kind of covered it above. If you are looking to get started with Blogging – please be you.

You, you, and only you.

It does not matter if you are not a great writer, or if your chosen blog subject is a little weird (we are all a little weird!).

It doesn’t matter what you look like or what your day job is. It’s important that you are yourself.

Blogging is such an amazing way of expressing yourself – listening to that inner voice that we often suppress in work and social environments. Let it out via your fingertips and onto that keyboard.

Now this is the truth… some people will not like your blog, and some people will. By being yourself you attract the right people. People that resonate with you and your opinions and thoughts.

So take that perfect blogger ideology out of your head, and do what you do best, do you.

2. “Network” [Mick Meaney]

As an introvert networking is scary! But I am going to concede…Mick is 100% on the money.

My online business has grown so much faster since I started to network. Not only that, but my confidence and support network with other bloggers has grown. If I have any questions, or need some support I reach out to my network.

3. “Focus on content” [Joanie-Ann Daniels]

I can be quite obsessive. When I am designing my blog I lose days and weeks playing around with color schemes, fonts, and any design aspect.

Here’s the thing – a nice looking blog isn’t bringing in traffic. Content does.

Focus on that content and grow your blog – jazz it up a little later on.

blogging tips

4. “Life begins at post #100” [Peter Morscheck]

Now I hope I am not doing Peter a disservice here by applying the wrong interpretation of his tip for new bloggers. What I believe Peter means is that blogging is tough. It is not a get rich quick scheme.

Many new bloggers quit early on as they expect instant traction and that’s not the case. It can take easily a year (or 100 posts) before you start to see traffic, and become comfortable with your own voice and message. Build your blog consistently and the rewards will come.

5. “Don’t listen to or believe those “I made $2,000 my first month blogging” [Roamy Link]

Roamy is right. Blogging does not work that way. Whilst I know a lot of people making full time income blogging, many of which now teach how to blog, they have something in common…. it took a lot of hard work and dedication. Not a month!

As you will gather as you carry on reading the rest of the top tips for new bloggers.

6. “Only do things with high ROI” [Lucrezia Iapichino]

Lucrezia runs the group and is an extremely accomplished blogger. Again, I am adding context here (Lucrezia if I am wrong, feel free to give me a kick!), the message here is to focus on tasks that are worthwhile.

High ROI (Return on Investment) doesn’t have to mean purely financial (that helps too), it can also be tasks that increase traffic, build your subscriber list. Key tasks that bring significant rewards compared to things like changing the font on your blog posts (Yep, my guilty obsessive pleasure again).

7. “Create valuable products and focus on SEO from day one” [Amira Law]

Double blog tip whammy from Amira!

First, create valuable products. As you develop your blog you are likely writing to a certain audience, a collective of people based on numerous factors – shared interests, vocations, personalities. For example, stay at home moms, military personnel, soccer fans, people who love badgers…

These people will have needs and that is why they are on your blog. Find those needs and fulfil them, if they want to learn how to blog then write them an ebook, or video series.

If you want to know how to create lead magnets then this is an excellent and very cheap resource from Russell Brunson.

Secondly, focus on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). A lot of blogging you learn by doing. SEO is one you should spend some time researching and studying.

SEO is a way of crafting your content so that Google (or other search engines) can identify your content as accurate and helpful. Ultimately when someone carries out a Google search, it is Google’s responsibility to provide that person with the answer to their search in the quickest way possible.

The aim is to get your content into Google’s favor, and there are many factors that contribute. Learn some…..but don’t forget to keep creating that content!

be passionate learning to blog

8. “It’s not a get rich quick game” [Tricia Prince]

Number eight on the top tips for bloggers list, is a dream killer to everyone who is busy searching for the next big thing – the side hustle that will make a ZILLION dollars in 3 days.

It does NOT exist.

Sorry folks, I wish it did. Blogging requires you to develop new skills and more importantly push your comfort zone sometimes. However it is so worth it. Measure and celebrate every success you have on the way, whilst you wont get rich quick, you will level up your skills fast.

9. “Don’t compare yourself and it’s ok to make mistakes” [Love Cheri]

Love is echoing my statement in that you should just be you. Like in any field it’s easy to look around and see how successful some people are, and feed your self doubt, especially when your making mistakes.

Mistakes are all part of the process though – that is how we learn. WD40 is called WD40 because it was the 40th attempt at creating that formula. They didn’t quit at attempt no.17.

When you were born you did not jump into this world then sprint around the hospital, over a period of time you crawled and walked. Lots of bumps and frustration on the way – blogging is the same.

10. “Don’t give up” [Drew DuBoff]

I would not make a good drill sergeant, screaming in your face, trying to push you into a blogging career with aggression and fear. WRITE THAT BLOG POST YOU LOUSY MAGGOT!!

It’s not me. Instead I would tell you to listen to those 3 words. “Don’t give up”.

Very important for when you hit the bumps in the road and feel like you have had enough. Keep going, keep learning.

Sometimes we develop our skills and understanding and realize we picked the wrong niche initially and maybe start again with a new blog. I have been there and got the T Shirt, but don’t give up on yourself.

I learnt more from the blogs I binned than some of the ones I still have running.

11. “Blog because you enjoy the topic, otherwise it will become a chore” [Rebecca Bolton]

This top tips for new bloggers is an interesting one. Personally I agree completely, but I do know of bloggers who are successful in topics they don’t enjoy, which skews my judgement.

What I would say is that these people are successful and they are enjoying the success and all that they can leverage from that. When they were just creating content and there was no reward, it must have been pretty grim times.

So maybe for your own sanity, especially as a new blogger, you should blog about subjects that you’re interested in or passionate about.

be yourself top tip for blogging

12. “Engage with your readers and build a community” [Ricky Willis}

This is gold. A community can reside anywhere, your blog comments, an accompanying YouTube channel or Facebook Group.

A good community can accelerate building your business, you have your audience available and ready to help you. Ask them what they want and never run out of content suggestions again. Help them and provide value – build up that know, like and trust factor.

This will pay dividends when you are promoting your own products or other affiliate products, are they likely to buy from a stranger or from you – the person that has helped take them on their own journey thus far.

13. “Know what you’re getting yourself into, that it won’t be easy and that you’ll need perseverance and to always be learning a ton of new things” [Rozanne Wilds]

As with many of the blogging tips above, Rozanne is perfectly illustrating the blogging journey, and perseverance is a huge part of that. As a new blogger you are going to learn lots of new skills – don’t be afraid of that.

Ultimately as you grow your blog, if there are any aspects that you don’t enjoy or you need assistance with then there are always people you can hire.

I have used Upwork & Fiverr in the past to hire writers and designers. There are freelancers offering their services in just about every aspect of Digital Marketing.

14. “Prepare yourself… it’s not an easy journey and don’t rely on your family and friends to support you.” [Matt Pearson]

Your family & friends love you, but don’t expect them to sing your praises as you’ve taken the steps to become a blogger. Some people will get it and support you, some won’t.

Don’t take it personally though.

When I started posting about my own journey on my facebook profile a few of my friends thought I was in the midst of a breakdown. I mean they are cool with it, but writing a facebook post about affiliate marketing is as obscure as Aliens landing in the back garden for some people.

15. “Always stay true to yourself, as people love personalities. Look at your competition, but learn from them to do your own thing better, not to copy ideas!” [Ivana Atanasova]

Many new bloggers struggle with pressure to create original content. Something the word has never seen before. It doesn’t have to be that way though and often we are having the same conversations that have been made many times – but adding our own spin.

So look at those around you, the ones you admire and follow. Don’t be afraid to draw inspiration from the content they are publishing and to create bigger and better or your own version. As Ivana says, don’t copy, but you can certainly be inspired by them.

create a facebook group today for introverts banner

16. “Be Passionate on what you do and don’t let someone stop you on your passion.” [Jm Ching]

If you are looking for top tips for new bloggers then consider this as perhaps one of the best. This is your blog, your thoughts and words. Find a way of harnessing that passion you have for your subject and creating content you are proud of.

There are so many people out there that can help you on your journey and give you advice and support. Find those people. Work together in a community as you build your blogging experience.

Get Started With Blogging Today

Blogs are amazing platforms that anybody can get started with. You don’t have to be the greatest writer, or even have any technical experience, you take one step at a time and build your own masterpiece.

It could be the perfect way of…

✅ Helping people
✅ Expressing yourself
✅ Writing as a form of therapy
✅ Sharing your experiences
✅ Making money

There are many benefits of blogging and these are just a few. For me, it’s a chance to create content that can help people whilst also contributing to my own online business.

I hope you enjoy this list of top tips for new bloggers and I would like to say a HUGE thankyou to all of the good people on “Blogging for New Bloggers” for their amazing insights into the world of blogging.

If you are an introvert and looking to get started with blogging, YouTube or even a Facebook group then join some fellow introverts looking to start and scale their own online business at “Digital Marketing Introverts”

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