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How To Make Money On YouTube Without Creating Videos (Copy & Paste)

Hey! This is a video post from a YouTube video I created that shows step by step, how to make money on YouTube without creating videos, using a copy and paste strategy that some channels are making huge money with.

So click on the video below for an in-depth look at each step of this strategy, and for those of you that prefer to read, the script is below.

Let me know in the comments if you know of any other YouTube channels that are making money this way without creating videos themselves?

If you’ve never seen the website SocialBlade before then what it does – it looks at the data from YouTube channels and gives an estimate of how much money they are earning from running YouTube ads.

It provides the low end and far end of the potential earnings. The reason there are two numbers is because some subjects and niche pay less than others. So they have to estimate how much each YouTube is earning.

But in this post, we are going to look at creating a channel in a niche that pays right up at the high end and is very lucrative, and best of all, I will give you a step by step guide to get started from scratch without even having to film your own videos.

Introduction to Making Money On Youtube

This post is for those of you who are desperate to start a YouTube channel and make some money, but you don’t want to show your face or become overwhelmed with all of the different things you need to learn.

Maybe you want to just use someone else’s videos whilst you learn the youtube ropes.

Well good news, because in this post, I’m going to be your bestest of best friends, and I’m going to walk you through step by step how to Make Money on YouTube WITHOUT Making Videos Yourself From Scratch.

I will keep it short, honest, and will help you with some of those nagging doubts I know you have.

And all I ask in return is that you send me a box of doughnuts and the deeds to your house………

…..or failing that maybe just share this post or go subscribe to my YouTube channel for more of the same.

READ MORE: 10 Amazing YouTube Channel Ideas Without Showing Your Face in 2020

Lets jump straight into it and look at the strategy we are going to use and some example channels that are killing it on youtube without making the videos themselves.

Example YouTube Channels That Make Money

Body Hub = 800k+ Subscribers

Natural Cures = 3 Million Subscribers

Bestie = 3 Million+ Subscribers

So these 3 channels are beasts of the health niche.

All of these channels are making good money from ad revenue and other income streams. They are cash generators that spin out videos and make money on YouTube and the best part is they are faceless, anonymous, ninjas of the youtube world.

These channels could be created from any location in the world because they are using some simple techniques and a proven system which I am going to demonstrate.

The biggest problem that you have, as a new creator, is that you won’t be able to make money with adverts from day 1. You need to qualify your channel and that will take time.

So at the end of this post I’m going to show you exactly how to make money even as a youtube beginner – so stay tuned.

Step 1 – Planning Your Videos

All of these channels are creating content that offers advice and tips in health, exercise, nutrition.

These are subjects there are in huge demand because if you think about it, we all have something we want to change or improve, maybe an injury or weight problem, or we want stronger biceps, or help to sleep at night.

This is key – remember this when you create content – you need to address peoples pain points and problems, and in the health niche there are millions of these.

One tip I would give, is maybe when you’re just getting started is to focus on the low hanging fruit, the more specific content, let me explain.

No offence but if you create a video called “Lose weight fast” you will get absolutely no traction as your competing against badass YouTube channels that dominate the niche. Save that for when your a big boy or girl and all grown up.

But if instead, you focused on more long-tail content, which is way more specific, then you have more chance of success.

For example, high blood pressure home remedies, this would give you more chance of ranking content higher up in the youtube results, and I would even go more narrow and specific than that

You can use chrome extensions such as vidiq to get some detailed stats on search terms and assess the competition. This is also really useful to generate video ideas, which you can write down on an idealist somewhere and create another day (because with youtube you want to be consistent and produce videos on a regular basis).

READ MORE: 7 Top Tools For YouTube Channel Ideas Without Showing Face

So at this point, you should have an idea of what content people need you to create, now we need to focus on the how.

I mean, how are you going to create that video when you don’t want to be on camera yourself?

Well it’s easier than you think and that leads us onto step 2.

Step 2 – Script out your videos

It’s your lucky day, there are literally millions of videos and blog posts out there on any type of health-related subject. So use the keyword and videos ideas you generated and go and research what you should script.

In the health niche list videos work really well, for example, “20 foods that help you lose weight” so these are pretty simple, if you aren’t sure how to structure your video and what you should and shouldn’t include then use this as a guide:

  1. Start with a hook, a one-liner that grabs their attention
  2. Then an intro where you tell them what you’re going to tell them
  3. Then you tell them – this is the main content and often we do it using lists or steps to help break the video down
  4. Once you’ve finished your list you tell them what you told them, a brief summary
  5. Finally, you finish with a call to action like watch my next video

Remember – Don’t go copying other peoples work word for word, but look at blog posts and videos that are related to the content and put your own list together, it just takes a little research and understanding.

Open up a google document and file your script away for later, now we need to focus on the visuals.

Step 3 – Copy & Paste Video

Look I don’t want to be “Jonny no fun”, but I’m going to wave a big red flag here before we go any further.

One way to find videos is by using a process called “Creative Commons”, this is a licensing scheme where people have said its fine to reuse their content, you have their permission.

And that’s cool – if you want to do that then you can search on google and just change the licensing filter, or you can search YouTube and again filter for creative commons.

You can then use a YouTube downloader such as y2mate to download their video to use later (other downloaders are available, do you research to find a legit one that isn’t full of spam).

But here’s the warning, the bit that others won’t tell you, its a fine line when you are talking copyright and fair usage. I’ve seen videos that are set for creative commons that aren’t even their own work, so how do they give permission to reuse when it was never theirs to begin with?

Also, it’s important to know that there are different types of creative commons licences, some won’t allow you to use for commercial use and some will only allow you if you give them the credit.

So here’s my recommendation, to play it safe, and reduce the risk of being denied monetization later.

If you do find videos that are set to creative commons then at the very least add them credit in your description, but also make sure that you can monetize your channel in other ways too, more on that later.

The safest way is to use stock footage that you are allowed to reuse. If money is tight then use free sites like:

  • Pixabay
  • Dareful
  • Videvo
  • Pexels

All of these have some great quality videos for you to copy and paste.

If you have some budget then you have more options with the likes of envato, artgrid, and storyblocks.

So go to these sites and find some videos that relate to your content and download them to a folder on your laptop or PC. We will use them later.

Step 4 – Add Your Audio

Next up we need our audio, the sound that will be played over our videos.

So this is a question for you, and I want you to let me know in the comments, are you happy using your own voice?

I know I know, you don’t want to have your face on camera, you want to just use premade videos, but what about your voice?

Let me know below.

When it comes to the audio you’ve got a few options again here.

Firstly, record your own voiceover, you can do this on your phone or your computer, and it’s as easy as reading through your script and adding a little energy and tonality changes.

Secondly, you can pay someone on one of the freelance sites to do a voiceover for you. The downside here is that if you are just getting started you won’t be able to pay them yet from any youtube profits

Thirdly, you can use some software that converts text to speech (TTS) and adds an AI voice, there are free versions and paid versions, one of the better ones out there is speechelo.

Is it absolutely perfect – no, but it’s way better than what people used to use. Some people wouldn’t know the difference.

Again, word of warning with this one because I know that the comments box will explode with questions such as:

“Can we monetize with AI voice”.

“Do TTS voice channels get demonetized”.

There used to be a lot of channels that would replicate the same thing constantly on their videos and then add the really awful robotic voices over the top. Slowly youtube started demonetizing these channels.

Now this isn’t because they are against using TTS software, this was more around their policy against repetitious content.

There are plenty of monetized channels out there that use an AI voice but their videos are informative and have value so they are given a free pass.

Do your own research on this. Unfortunately, Youtube never state as a fact whether you can use AI voice but they do publish guidelines which you can find here

For what its worth, In my opinion, if you are creating original content that helps people then you should be fine using good quality AI software.

Depending on what kind of video you are creating you may also want some music. Luckily for us, YouTube provides us with a library of free music that we can use. Go to the youtube audio library and download any you think would be a good match.

Step 5 – Assemble Your Video

So that’s the hard part done, the rest is just about putting that video into some kind of order.

You are going to need a video editor, I use filmora but there are free options out there such as davinci resolve. And we are going to now add the audio and video too by copy and pasting them in.

Most of these editors are the same, we drop the files in and just keep adding each one so they show in a sequence.

Download more video if you need it, and it won’t take you long to figure out how t do the basics, you can also add text on the screen to reemphasise key parts of your scripts,

All I do is drag in my video and audio, click on a text option, drag it into my timeline, and then type in whatever I need – its really as simple as that.

For anyone that really can’t get their head around this part and wants a little more automation then again there are good apps and software out there that can help you.

Vidnami is one option, and it even saves you the hassle of trying to find videos as it does that part for you.

With Vidnami all you do is paste your script, and add your voiceover and it will automatically format it and put some graphics on screen and suggest some videos that are appropriate.

Yes, it does need tidying up afterwards but it’s still pretty good and can save a tonne of time and its pretty affordable too.

Now, Export your video and you’re done.

Just a few more clicks to publish it on YouTube and then start on your next one.

By following these steps you should be able to make money yourself without creating videos from scratch (Just copy and paste). A lot of the hard work is done for you, and the more money you make the more you can reinvest into automation tools and hiring people.

Step 6 – Make Money On YouTube

The last thing to cover is the small part about money, mular, dosh.

Most of these channels are making money with ads – but it takes a while to qualify for youtube ads. You need 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time.

YouTube arent going to give you money for nothing and this is a good way of qualifying only the serious creators.

Luckily for you, there are tonnes of really good affiliate products in the health niche.

Affiliate marketing is where you apply to be an affiliate, and they give you a special link thats unique to you.

If you share that link with anyone and then they buy something, then you get paid a commission.

Most people get started with Amazon, as it’s easy to apply, but if you want more lucrative and higher-paying products then look on ClickBank, or just think about what products would suit your niche and google if they have an affiliate program.

Affiliate marketing is how I’ve built up a second income stream over the last few years and for me its the best business model that anyone can get started with, so if you want to know more then read my other posts or jump into this free affiliate training

Want more ideas about how to make money on YouTube without showing your face, then watch this:


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