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wondershare filmora x tutorial for youtubers

Wondershare Filmora X Tutorial For YouTubers

This is a short video post to show you how to use Wondershare Filmora X for YouTube Video Editing (Beginner friendly!).

Now if you are anything like me – maybe you are a visual learner? So instead of writing every step of how I use Wondershare Filmora to edit my YouTube videos, I decided to create a video and show you step by step.

The video below is broken down into a number of lessons, I’ve set shortcuts so you can jump right in at any particular one that interests you (Just click on the links).

Watch the video here:

Key Takeaways From This Wondershare Filmora Tutorial

Click on any of these lessons to jump straight to that section on the video, if you want my recommendation though, watch the whole thing. I guarantee there will be something you learn!

Why Use Wondershare Filmora?

The Basics Of Video Editing In Filmora

How To Navigate

Add & Import Video Footage

Filmora Video Editing Essentials

Video Tracks & Layers

Splicing & Snipping Video

How To Create YouTube Jump Cuts

Cropping and Panning

Speed Changes

Edit Your Audio

Music & Sound Effects

Fade In/Out

Transitions Between Scenes

Text Editing

Using Images In Your Video

Special Effects

Blur Out The Details

Split Screen



I hope this Wondershare Filmora X Tutorial is of use to you. If there is anything in particular that you want me to cover in a new video or blog post then hit the comments and let me know!

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