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best black friday deals for digital marketers

Black Friday Deals For Digital Marketers (2020)

If you have ever listened to my dulcet tones over on my YouTube channel then you will realise I am from the UK – the home of the Beatles, the Royal Family, and an abundance of rain.

One thing that wasn’t “a thing” here, is Black Friday.

Until recent years anyway, when it was slowly introduced into the retail sector.

Us Brits really EMBRACED it. A chance to spend some money, and also an opportunity to punch each other in the face over that last TV in the store.

Good times.

However, this post isn’t about physical goods.

It’s a quick look at some of the best Black Friday deals for Digital Marketers.

I’ve listed some of the products I use and recommend, as well as some of the ones I have my eye on too as a little treat for myself.

Let me know in the comments what you’ve got your eye on – and I will keep updating the post when I find more excellent deals for you.

GetResponse Black Friday Deal

The Deal: Get up to 40% off any plan

GetResponse is my goto email autoresponder. It is simple to use and offers a wide array of features at a great price point. As well as building your email list of subscribers you can also host a landing page and sales funnel even on the basic account.

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getresponse black friday deal

Elementor Black Friday Deal

The Deal: Get up to 25% off

An outstanding page builder for WordPress with a host of advanced features. If you are looking to create a website or blog then Elementor is a great choice. I build all of my niche sites using Elementor so I’ve got the flexibility and functionality to create exactly what I want.

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elementor black friday deal

Adobe Creative Cloud Black Friday Deal

The Deal: Get up to 20% off All Apps

This is high on my list, and the only reason I haven’t pulled the trigger is I’m scared of the productivity hit. I really enjoy editing videos and learning graphic design, I actually find it relaxing and rewarding. If I sign up for the Adobe Black Friday deal then will I ever get another blog post written again?! (Soooo tempting)

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adobe black friday deal

WPX Black Friday Deal

The Deal: Pay $2 for the first 2 months or 6 months free on 2 year plan

Who is the best WordPress hosting provider? Ask this question in any blogging group and RIP your inbox. You will be crushed under the affiliate link stampede as everyone sends you their bluehost link. Once upon a time, this was me, and to be fair Bluehost did a job. This year I took my blogging up a level. I spoke to bloggers that I know who are making 6 figures, and asked who they used? It was unanimously WPX. I moved my blogs over and I can only say good things about them. They don’t give many offers away, and they provide a premium product, so if you need blog hosting, look no further (they will even migrate everything for you).

Check Out My WPX Review

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wpx black friday deal

Freepik Black Friday Deal

The Deal: Over 50% off the Annual Plan

If you are creating content on blogs, facebook, YouTube then chances are you are going to want some stock photography at some point. These are photos that you are licemcd to reuse for your own platforms. When you are getting started you may not want expensive monthly costs and so Freepik provide an excellent entry point to get started. Huge discount available on their already reasonably priced subscription.

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freepik black friday deal

Vidiq Black Friday Deal

The Deal: Win up to 30% off for 3 months

This one isn’t going to knock your socks off as it’s not even a guaranteed discount, but i wanted to include it for all my fellow YouTubers out there. Vidiq is an excellent tool that helps significantly with YouTube planning and optimisation. If you are on YouTube then you need this. They do have a basic and free offering that is still useful, but it’s worth looking at the paid versions too. Spin that wheel and see what you win.

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vidiq black friday deal

Frase.io Black Friday Deal

The Deal: Special Price & 10% off orders of $150+ with code BF2020

I stumbled across this deal 6 months ago and loved the thought of it. Its a content AI app to help with your blog, and has become way more useful than I could imagine. There are two main functions A) To help prepare your blog posts and analyse existing top-ranking content b) It adds an AI-driven chatbot to your blog which can answer questions, help your audience and promote your posts. Appsumo is brokering lifetime purchases of Frase.io which is a company on the rise!

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frase black friday deal

Pretty Links Black Friday Deal

The Deal: $50-70 savings on plans

One of my goto WordPress plugins is PrettyLinks, it enables you to use affiliate links that show under your domain instead of those big ugly affiliate links that the vendor gives you. But it is seriously worth considering the Pro version for some of the additional link management options it gives you, for example, GEO tagging where you redirect people to different URLs based on geography.

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pretty links black friday deal

Filmora Black Friday Deal

The Deal: Up to 50% off All Products

Filmora is an excellent and low cost video editor, my tool of choice for YouTube editing over the past year. It’s simple to learn, plenty of features and enables anyone to edit videos quickly and effectively. The team at Filmora have dropped their prices further for Black Friday.

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filmora black friday deal

LongTailPro Black Friday Deal

The Deal: Up to 50% off

Your blogging success can live and die by keyword analysis and research. LongTailPro allows you to analyse what keyphrases you can realistically rank for, study your competitors, and tonnes of juicy blogging metrics to geek out on. One of the biggest discounts ive seen this Black Friday.

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longtailpro black friday deal

That sums up the best Black Friday deals for Digital Marketers (2020), if I find any more winning deals then I will include them here. Let me know in the comments, do any take your fancy?

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