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3 Ways To Make $100 A Day Working From Home In 2021

Hey! This is a video post from a YouTube video I created covering 3 Ways To Make $100 A Day Working From Home In 2021. So check out the video just above this for an in-depth look at all 3 strategies, and for those of you that prefer to read, the script is below. Let me know in the comments which technique you think is best for making money from home?

Is It Possible To Make Money From Home?

Sat at home. Making money. Without having to even put your pants on. Sound good?

Now let’s be honest, there are tonnes of ways of making money online. Some are good and some are awful. And most of them are going to require you to step out of your comfort zone a little.

Which is exactly why I love a work from home opportunity, it lets you take a risk, start a new venture, but without having to leave the comfort of your own home… you’re able to stay in your safe space. Without that fear of looking like a right plum in front of people you don’t know.

And in this post, I am going to show you 3 excellent ways to make $100 a day working from home.

So there’s no long commute and sitting in traffic for hours.

No having to stay at the office late – because you will choose the hours you work.

And no having to worry about getting all dressed up to impress, with these bad boys if you want to sit there and work in your pants then go for it buddy.

Before I start you do need to realise that anything you read will require some effort on your part.

If you are watching videos that tell you making money is a piece of cake, and its all big profits zero effort, then do yourself a favour and unsubscribe from them… you’re following the wrong people.

It’s these kinds of people that will lead you astray and get you in trouble with your mum!

Make $100 A Day Video Editing

Let’s jump straight into number 1 which is Video Editing, in other words taking raw video footage or an idea and transforming it into published content.

The question is, who would pay for this service?

Well video marketing is absolutely huge – it’s becoming the primary way we consume information – with video sites like YouTube taking over from traditional TV and all social media platforms embracing the power of video too

You are going to help businesses, entrepreneurs, YouTubers and anyone with a need to publish videos for their content marketing strategy.

First up, I want to say if you’ve never edited a video before, then don’t underestimate your own abilities to learn and develop new skills. Anyone can learn video editing or any other talent if you are willing to put the work in, practice and create.

Many YouTubers, including myself, are self-taught using tutorials on YouTube or even paying for courses and training; you can get cheap ones on Skillshare or Udemy, or you can pay premium for some really high-level stuff. There is so much high-quality content out there to learn video editing software inside out.

So how much can you make editing videos?

Well, that varies really and all depends at what stage you are at on your journey. If you are building a portfolio and just getting started then you will need to price lower, and maybe look at using freelance sites like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr.

Long term you should be looking to build relationships with clients and work directly with them to cut out the expense of the middle man.

A quick look on Upwork and some editors are charging $100 an hour never mind a day, but let’s be realistic, many of these are top of their game, they’ve been in your shoes and they’ve levelled up many times.

But there are plenty of people that are making $20-30 an hour which would easily make you $100 a day as you build up your experience.

There are many different types of software you can master, from the more premium adobe offerings down to affordable but great quality editors like fimora which you can pick up a lifetime licence for less than $100.

You can even specialise and focus just on animations or whiteboard explainer videos like this one if required, I’ve really enjoyed learning how to create these over the last year.

If I can do it, then so can you.

Look at the locations of the people on Upwork as well, these people are based all over the world and in many cases are able to make above the national average wage by freelancing their services.

The skills you earn will allow you to create a career as a video editor but also equip you with many of the talents required to build your own YouTube channel if you ever wish.

Video editing can be a flexible, well paid, work from home opportunity that gives you real skills for future projects

Make $100 A Day As A Virtual Assistant

Second in our list of ways to make $100 a day working from home in 2021, is becoming a Virtual Assistant (VA).

So what does that entail? What exactly does a vitual assistant do?

The simple answer is that they provide support services to businesses and entrepreneurs, but the reality is this could be a wide range of tasks that keep the business running smoothly.

From admin, to scheduling events, digital marketing, to project management, to pretty much anything that a business may need help with and need to outsource.

I have marketing friends that pay a VA to complete their youtube descriptions, publish their blog posts, source information for their social media posts – whatever they need to free themselves up from doing they outsource to a VA.

The fact we have so much amazing technology with cloud-based software for task management, file storage, teleconferencing means this is a role that can be fulfilled from anywhere in the world.

Before we carry on, drop me a comment below and let me know what would you outsource to a VA, where do you need any help and organising in your business and life?

Similar to video editing there are tonnes of opportunities that are available on freelance sites but always look to build your own brand as it will be much higher pay if you can negotiate your own contracts.

The VAs that I spoke to all started on roughly $20 an hour but quickly increased their pricing once they had established those first few clients and realised the possibilities of this opportunity.

One thing they all loved about being a VA is that they can choose their own hours, working around family commitments and being the boss of their own schedule.

If you want to build a client base, then focus on networking – getting your name out there and connecting with people.

Think about who you are best working with and what skills you have or are willing to learn, consider who else works as a freelancer that doesn’t have the time to do everything they need?

It could be realtors, digital marketers, startup businesses.

Use sites like LinkedIn to detail your experience and services. Don’t be afraid to ask, so many people have their own businesses or side hustles and are crying out for some help and organisation as they realise they cant do everything themselves.

Now this next one is gold and has huge potential in many ways, let me explain…

Make $100 A Day As A Digital Marketer

Third on the list, involves local business digital marketing…..sounds fancy eh…. well this is actually less complicated than you think, and can earn you money in several ways, and again you can do at any time of the day, and without having to leave your home.

But first, did you know there are almost 400 million small/medium businesses in the world, and the average age of a small business owner is around 49 years old.

Now, that’s a little older than me, and at times I feel like I have zero clue around some platforms and technologies, so many business owners will be the same.

So you are going to step in and put some of your social media and tech skills to good use. All that time on Facebook may now pay off.

Think about what marketing needs a small business may have, ultimately they want to get leads and customers, and grow their online presence. Heres are a few digital marketing services you can offer to get you started:

  • Social media management – do they have a Facebook page, YouTube channel, or even a LinkedIn presence?
  • Design – using a free app like canva you can fulfil all of their design needs whether that’s posters, flyers, logos, or again social media posts
  • Email marketing – which is a great way to nurture a relationship with customers and build trust. Why not offer them a service where you handle this for them, a weekly email for a set price.

Websites – Believe it or not, there are so many businesses, especially those who are self-employed and sole traders that don’t have websites, or google listings or any kind of presence on the internet. They are still relying on local phone directories, newspaper adverts, and word of mouth.

Go out there and help them. Drag them kicking and screaming into the modern-day.

Build them a website or sales funnel and if you are clever you can profit twice from this, not only can you make money by charging a monthly retainer for your services, but you can also get them to sign up to your recommended software by using your affiliate links so you earn an affiliate commission.

If you want some free training from a leading 7 figure affiliate then follow this link where you will find the best affiliate coaching program out there.

But affiliate marketing is a great business model that tops up your pay significantly.

Let me give you some examples.

Getresponse is an email marketing tool – but they also allow you to run a landing page on the basic account. It costs $15 a month and if someone signs up through your link then you get a $100 commission or 33% of the lifetime payments. You choose, and its low cost and risk to them.

Groovefunnels is an all in one marketing suite that is new to the market, they let you sign up for free and you can create landing pages, and much much more. You can actually prebuild a landing page or website, and then let your customer import it with a click of a button, if they ever upgrade to the full product then again you earn a commission – Which can be over $550 if you’re a paid member yourself (Click to find out more)

Summary: Ways To Make $100 A Day Working From Home In 2021

There are tonnes of options out there that are low cost and extremely powerful – you just need to go and learn them, by using them yourself, playing around, testing, and understanding how a business could benefit from them. Then pitch to the business owners, tell them how you can help.

The number of possibilities here is endless.

If you want to know a secret way to get your foot in the door using this approach and an in-depth look at how you can make serious money then check out the video below which explains how to make money with google maps, it will be perfect for you.

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